Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Tracks From The Mixtape(s)

So on saturday me and Paymun went to Sam's studio( thanks to Sam for helping us) to record some songs....and I must say after the past years recording the quality is 1000x better than ever. With that the actual potential of the songs is even more evident.

The last time i heard Paymun in a serious rap was when me and him battled (im tryna get S-Wrap to find that footage) and since then he has matured hella as a rapper, and he had said the same to me.

so heres a few songs to download/listen/etc. some are from "Smoking" and some are from Phantom vol. 3

Bird Flu

In Them Divas

Comedy & Tragedy

Let The Beat Build

Last Of A Dying Breed

Paper Like Us

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Day From Haynes Manor

Man one day I came home from school and seen this nigga directly in front of my house....i was goin nuts. William calls me as soon as i get out the car and tells me to look outside...20 seconds later William is at my house and we watching this drunk man going insane...we knew no one would believe us without proof ya go

Listening to: The Cool Kids - Dinner Time

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Its About Time For An Update....

well viewers, the last couple months been crazy busy for me. School is the main problem(yea I'm still a student, gotta get that education). Senior year you would think is no work, but not where i go all we do is fucking cram in work, but i aced them exams, and got my grades up, and accepted into a college(University of Mem,TN). I was able to obtain a job and just been doing the damn thing.

As for the music, all the plans you see below have been dropped...
i decided to revamp all that. I've teamed back up with Paymun aka Mel aka The Fryer, and he and i are gonna do a joint mixtape this time around entitled Smoking: The Comedy & Tragedy.Image and video hosting by TinyPic i had someone think up a unique cover and voila!

We havent recorded yet, but we have hella songs and beats selected (some more popular than others) so when we do record should be fire. I believe it will be interesting to see me and paymuns styles on a whole mixtape rather than just on one song (They Know off Phantom II) as that 1 song was limited in time and quality. so just be on the lookout for that.

next on my agenda is contemplating another Phantom Mixtape. I was considering making a Phantom 3, but i already have one which is a preview for Magna Karta which isnt gonna come out now... so i guess after we finish this current mixtape I'll ponder more on that and disclose what i can.

so that pretty much covers the current events as my last post....months ago. New Job, more school, new music, more work, more dedication and advancement.

btw this is a pic of me and Dj Drama at The TSU homecoming gameImage and video hosting by TinyPic William was kinda jittery with the camera, but u get the point

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Magna Karta Preview Mixtape

Alright so, i guess i should come right out with it, and state that i shit its all over my blog.
ive done several mixtapes in the past starting out when i was 13.

when i was 13, we did The Street Theory
when i was 14 we did Great Adventures Of the Street Crew
and when i had turned 15 our third mixtape Ur Not Us vol.1 had been come out.

all of those were done by group efforts, and by that time our group had virtually "split".
so that left me as a solo rapper, meaning i had to release my own mixtape sooner or later, and if i was able to do it would determine if i was gonna keep rapping.

so i did it, i released Tha Phantom, my first solo mixtape done by myself.
after that we aptly formed the group back, along with a new member, to release 11-9-1: The Album. afer which i completed by far my most matured and developed work Tha Phantom II. Both Phantom I and II can be listened to and downloaded to the right ->.

so then i realized instead of doin more and more mixtapes i should attempt to do an actual album, with all original material. while the mixtapes were done with "makeshift" studios im gonna do my album Magna Karta (the great charter) in real studios with producers better than my self, with all new beats.

ive written several tracks for The Magna Karta, but im waiting to record them, and trying to prep my skills more, and doing so by releasing one more mixtape aptly titled Tha Phantom III: Tha Magna Karta Preview. the titles of the mixtape are interchangable and are the same. etc

so by doing this im just taking any song i can/ want and putting my own style on it to polish up for T. M.K. which brings me to the point of listing the songs here until i feel i have enough of them to put in the word for the mixtape download.

so in short listen to the songs, give some feedback, or not what ever.

A Millie
Brave New World
Let The Beat Build

Sunday, June 22, 2008

John D. vs Willie D.- A Millie Freestyles

Alright my group member Willie D. and myself wanted to figure out awhile ago who was the better rapper after we've had time to work on some songs.
Since the hottest beat of the year is out, and I am now working on a new solo project as is Willie D. we decided to polish up on our shit, and spit over A millie, from waynes new song off C3.

John Dozier
Im Illy

Willie D.
A Willie