Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Intermission....On Datpiff

Monday, June 1, 2009

We Present To You....The Intermission

So as Paymun and i have finished our first mixtape as a duo, we began working with what we had. We did some shows, and sold the mixtape at the school, and in the streets to increase our buzz and just push our name a little further. Just about everyone i ran into said they were feeling the mixtape. So with that motivation we planned to do a second one.
However i had graduation and college business to tend to so we couldnt release a second one quick enough. Then we came up with the idea to make a mini-tape, an EP if you will, to hold people over until we got Smoking II: The Action and Drama out. And as you know all good plays have Intermissions......and thats where we landed ourselves.

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we finished this one up in just one session and brought a little trick out of our bag to make this one interesting. I could go on and on about random shit...but i think it would just be better to post the link to the tape.

its a direct download. it should be up on Datpiff and Imeem at one point.

you should be able to see one of them ....